Friday, November 20, 2009

"We'll watch for you..."

I got Justin season tickets to BSU games years and years ago for his birthday. He hasn't missed a home game in like five years. The tradition is that whoever doesn't get to go with dad stays home with me and we watch on TV. We always say: "We'll watch for ya" if going to the game automatically gets you on TV. Trust me, it doesn't. We've never seen him on TV for any game. Ever.

Well, Camdon has figured out that if you have an ESPN sign, your chances of getting on TV are better. I'd dare say that's probably true. Tonight Justin and the boys are in Utah for the BSU game. They've made a sign and:
"I'll be watching for them!"

I love this kid.

1 comment:

Camdon said...

I posted about this in my blog too.