Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Packin' heat...

A few weeks ago during Earth Science class, a friend of Cam's brought in a big box of rocks and minerals.  Those who know Camdon well, will know that this is right up his alley.  As he was fishing through the box, he found a shell casing hidden in there and asked the girl if he could have it.  What did she care?  He thought he'd hit the jackpot! So, he put in in his backpack and that was that.  

Fast forward a few weeks to this morning on the bus.  He's forgotten all about the bullet, but it falls out of his backpack and the bus-driver finds it after she dropped everyone off.  They have assigned seats on the bus, so she knew it was one of three boys.  Camdon was called out of class and questioned.  He, being the good boy that he is, told the truth about what had happened. 

 Now, I understand that the school was just doing what they thought was best here, but they proceeded to search him and his backpack looking for a gun.  Then they inform him that the police and/or the school would be calling me.  This happened in the morning and needless to say, Camdon felt horrible all day long.  His poor little friends from the bus were called in and questioned and their parents were called too.  He felt so awful that they had been drug into it.  

Here's the part that ticks me off.......shouldn't I have been called right away?  Why was I hearing this from Camdon after he had been holding it in all day?  By the time I got to him he was sobbing and shaking and he said, "Mom, they thought I shot someone!"  Now, I'll admit, it took some self control to hold in the laughter on this one.  I knew they didn't think he shot someone, but in his little mind, that's how they were making him feel.  Here's where I would've wanted to be at the school; to reassure him that they were just following procedure. This guy really could've used him mamma today, and  I'm disappointed that I wasn't notified immediately.  I did get a call from the detective after school, but it was on my cell, and I didn't hear it ringing until it was too late.   

I understand that the school has a reasonable amount of authority here, but am I wrong in thinking I should've been there?

Anyway, the funniest part about it all was that Camdon was so scared of what Justin was going to do to him!  I knew he wasn't going to be mad, but poor Cam was sure he was a dead man.  There was a very clear look of relief on his face when he discovered Justin wasn't going to kill him.  

Anyway, after it was all said and done, I realized that the home really is a place of peace and shelter from the storms of the world.  He had been through a very traumatizing experience all alone today and it wasn't until he got home that he could feel safe enough to let his feelings out.  He learned a little something about love and trust today.  He learned a little about his dad, too!  This parenting thing is really getting interesting!

My list is growing

Welcome to Bloggerland, Aaron and Kerry!  These last six months have been so fun for me.  I can't believe I put off having a blog for so long.  It's the very best way to keep in touch with the people I love. 

Anyway,  I have been dying to see my new little niece, and I was looking forward to going to I.F. for Thanksgiving.  Well, it turns out that Aaron and Kerry are coming to Boise for Thanksgiving.  AAGGHH!  I have to wait until Christmas now!!! Or do I?  I emailed Aaron last night and told him to start a blog and he did.  Like right then.  He's more obedient than my little fellas. :)  

Anyway, a few of you out there might be interested in seeing his new little one and I told him I'd spread the word.  Dallon, I know he'll definitely want to get in touch with you.  I added him to my little list of blogging buddies.  I'm glad to see my list slowly growing.  You should see my sis-in-law Amber's list!  Holy cow!  I don't even know that many people, let alone people I want to stay in touch with.  So, thanks for joining.  Welcome and have fun!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Everyone's a fan!

Do any of you ever watch Mythbusters?  Justin emailed Tory and asked him if he'd wear a Boise State shirt on one of the shows.  He emailed back and said he would.  He found out what size he wore, and now he just has to go shopping for a shirt.  Pretty Cool!  Justin cracks me up.  He's always doing random things like this.  

Friday, November 14, 2008

Happy holiday kick off!

Tonight was Kuna's annual Holiday Open House.  I generally disagree with events such as these that happen so far before Christmas.  But I make an exception for this event because I really like our little town and I want to be supportive of the businesses that are trying to survive here.  

So, I took the boys and we picked up our passport and  set off to visit the 12 businesses that were on the ticket.  At each stop we collected a stamp and everyone who turned in a full passport, was entered into the contest for  6 $50 gift cards they were giving away.  It's a long shot, but the boys enjoyed walking around downtown visiting 
all of the stops and getting a treat each place they went.  One of the stops had Prancer there for the kids to meet.  I tried to get a picture of Carter petting her, but her antlers were a little too big and she came after me.  I love the one of Camdon because he generally takes a "too mature" attitude when we try and do things like this. As you can see, this was one event he really enjoyed.  The weather was really mild too, which is always nice.   One of the stops had a live nativity and I was impressed that my boys seemed to notice that the loud christmas rock music didn't exactly fit in with the baby Jesus at the manger.  All in all, I'd say it was a pretty good night.  Justin is back home, by the way, but this sort of thing isn't his sort of thing, so he stayed home.  

Pretty girls...

I'm not one to spend a lot of time in salons.  I am completely out of my element there, surrounded by women who are always so put together.  I am pretty low-maintenance as far as women go, and by that I mean that I've never been "into" hair, make-up, and clothes.  One pair of jeans lasts me all winter and I have about five pairs of shoes.  That's total.  Including church, workout, flip-flops. One for every occasion is enough for me.  

 Besides not really caring about looking so pretty all of the time, I'm also a cheap skate.  And quite frankly,  it's expensive to look so good.  It's spendy to have your hair highlighted every six weeks, and new clothes every season, and be tan all winter long.  

However, every once in a while the need presents itself for me to go to a salon. Like today.  My eyebrows were getting out of control!  So, I decide to pony up the money (yes, I think $15 is a lot to spend), and go get my eyebrows waxed.  I, of course, was very uncomfortable the whole time I was there.  Even the old lady getting a perm was dressed better than I.  It's my own fault, really, because I refuse to wear high heels with jeans.  No offense if you do...I just have a personal policy against it.  Comfort is my priority.  Anyway, back to my story.  It took only a few minutes, but the results were incredible!  I knew they were bad, but seriously! They were bad!   I have to admit, it was $15 well spent.  

Anyway, when I got home, the boys came to "check me out".  They were impressed, but leave it to Jamon to say this: "They look good, Mom.  Now all you need to do is lose some weight and get stylish clothes."

One step at a time, Jamon!  My eyebrows really do look good.  

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Geography lesson is in order!

Justin called early this morning just as the boys were leaving for school.  He obviously read my post and was curious as to what the boys thought they wanted as souvenirs from Montana. 

 It was a quick conversation as they were really just walking out the door when he called, but I  was cracking up as we hung up and Jamon said: 

"Hello!!??  Joe Montana's autograph."  

Maybe he'll see Hannah Montana....duh, Dad!  (that one was Carter)

Clearly my two youngest boys don't quite understand what or where Montana is....Camdon, however was laughing so hard I think he almost cried.  

P.S. No wise cracks about geography, Ryan!  Let it go my friend...

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Me on my soap box...

We have a black boy in our primary.  By black, I mean black.  His skin is very dark and in our little town of Kuna, he's one of just a few.  He was adopted by a white family and I'm quite sure he has been sealed to them.  

Since the election Tuesday, this poor little boy has suffered much at the hands (well, okay, mouths)  of other little children on the bus and at school.  The most hurtful was this:  "I guess you're happy to have a black president, huh?  Now you're not the only 'icky' one."  

Some of these kids have been taught by their parents, and should know better.  Some have been taught by their parents and that's exactly WHY they are being so cruel.  Children mimick their parents.  If you are against Obama, PLEASE make sure your children know that it has nothing to do with his skin color!  And if it does, well, shame on you and that's a whole different post. 

This little boy is sweet and kind (and a really good basketball player) and has given no one any reason to be unkind to him.  The Savior loves ALL of us.  Period.  Anyway, I came across this picture and it really says it all, doesn't it? 

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The end of the world is coming!

The following is an actual conversation I had with my 11 year old...wait I have to tell you one thing first.  We had so much fun with my parents on the Oregon Coast this summer, we all decided to take a trip again  in a few years.  Four to be exact.  The trip we're planning is to Boston, and Camdon is/was very excited.  And now I bring you the conversation:

Camdon:  "Who do you think will win, Mom?"

Me:  "Not sure, bud. I think Obama"

Camdon:  "Well, it doesn't really matter because the world will be over in 2012 anyway."

Me, trying hard not to laugh: "What!!??  Who told you that?"

Camdon: "Well, McKenzie McGraws grandmothers' patriarchal blessing says she'll live to see the second coming, and she's already 70.  And I saw this thing on Discovery channel about the Aztecs.  They believed the end of the world would be 2012.  So, sadly, I'll never get to see Boston."

Aaaahhh to have only one regret in life!  Don't worry little Cam, we'll go to Boston...I promise.  

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Proud to be an American....

I have been out of school for nearly 11 years now.  For those of you who don't know, I studied Sociology.  Because of the nature of this historic election, it's been a great "college review" for me.  Socialism vs Capitalism, the Proletariat and the Bourgeoisie, who is best suited to control the means of production....etc.  

I still feel the way I did 11 years ago.  I believe in structural functionalism (one of the sociological theories, not fathered by, but definantly associated with Talcott Parsons).  See.  See that?  I thought my brain was turning to mush, but maybe not.  

Anyway, the point is that this morning I woke up still very unsure of who to vote for ( I know this will shock and even anger some of you) but after reaching deep into the depths of my brain, and maybe my heart too, I have come up with an answer.  Neither candidate is great, but there is a definite "lesser of the two evils" here.  So, I'm proud to say that I will VOTE today!  Please do the same......

Monday, November 3, 2008

Look who's 60!

Happy birthday, Dad!  We love you and hope you have fun at your surprise party. * Ooops.  

All the fam got together for a surprise party at Aaron's house.  The grandkids put together a talent show.....aaawww! Please see earlier posts to see our contribution to the talent show.  Jamon is a sweet, sweet running back and Camdon is a 'lil maestro.  

It's times like this when I wish we lived closer.  Sounds like it was a lot of fun.  It just makes me more and more excited to go home for Thanksgiving.  Can't wait to see the new baby.  Four kids....holy crap, Aaron!  Just kidding.  Thanks for hosting the big night for Dad.  

*  I knew that by the time this posted, the party would be well under way....I'm not THAT rude.