Monday, July 20, 2009

Yeah, there's an app for that

Dear Apple,
Please hurry and approve Justin's application so that I may have my husband back. You see, ever since he started, he's done NOTHING else. It's almost as if he's obsessed. Oh wait. He is. He works on it way into the night and starts on it early in the morning. I tried telling him to just work on it at work, but he won't. He's way too honest to get paid for doing something at work besides work.
So, he comes home from work and then works on his app. I know he's excited, and it really is cool, but I miss him. The children miss him. He finally heard back from you today and he fixed what you told him to fix. So let's get on with it already.

Lonely Programmer's Wife

* In case you aren't Apple and you don't understand what's happening, I'll tell you. Justin has written an "app" for the IPhone. On it you can access Bronco Dashboard (the website he built). You can get access to rosters, game schedules, etc. Kinda cool if you're an IPhone user and a BSU football fan. He had to pay $100 to submit it and get it approved. Then he can start selling it at the Apple Store (a.k.a I Tunes).

Now I know what you're thinking..."holy cow! They're gonna get rich!" No we won't. He's selling the app for $0.99 each. So, if we're lucky there will be 100 people out there who love the Broncos and will buy his app. Then he'll break even.

Then maybe we can have him back.


Amber said...

hey ya never know! if people hear about it you will get well over 100 people get it because everyone has an iphone now AND bronco fans are die-hard! hahaha...good luck getting him back though:)

Camdon said...

I WILL buy one, 99 more to go!

Andrew, Marci and Brinlee Bailey said...

You could work on it with him, sit on his lap or something. A family that works on Apps together, stays together!

The Kay Family said...

I blog....he works on his app....quality family time. I"m just teasing really. We're all proud of him, huh Cam?

Emili said...

Just get Taylor on board, he'll sell some for you.

The Kay Family said...

yeah that kid needs a job! :)