Sunday, October 4, 2009

Chicken fried toes....

Last night I was making fried chicken and spilt boiling chicken grease all over my toes. The E.R. Doc said the thing that saved me was my sock. Yay for the cold fall weather that made me wear socks! Anyway, 2nd degree burns on the toes. It's totally gross and I have no feeling in the last two toes. The doctor said he didn't think there was any nerve damage so I'm assuming I can't bend them because they're blistered and swollen. The picture doesn't really do it justice. The toe next to my pinkie toe is blistered all the way down. The middle toe blister has already popped. Enjoy my grossness!


Lisa said...

Wow! That is gross. And I am enjoying it. The grossness...not your pain of course. I am so sorry for you. Hope it heals fast!

Leslie said...

Oh, dang! Bet you wished you went to KFC. I will now wear shoes when I am frying anything. It looks like it hurts a lot, I'm sorry!!

Danielle said...

Hope the pain went away quickly!. And as for the blisters, they're kinda cool...I'm gross, I know. Glad your sock saved the day...hate to think if you hadn't worn it!

Renee said...

I'm sorry you burned yourself. Burns are the worse but thank goodness for those socks.

Amber said...

this makes me hurt when i look at it! I hope you are doing better. Brylee is fascinated with your feet and keeps wanting me to show her your "burned toes". haha silly girl.

mom2ky said...

OUCH! You poor thing!