Monday, April 13, 2009

Our weekend in numbers

2. The number of times one of us needed to seek emergency medical treatment.
3. The number of us who are sick.
18. The number of Easter eggs we colored.
0. The number we hunted for.
5. The number of items on the Easter dinner menu.
4. The number that DIDN'T turn out.
3. The number of windows we opened to clear out the smoke coming from the oven.
1. The number of dinner items that didn't get prepared at all.  
50. The amount of dollars spent at Walgreen's yesterday buying Motrin, Benadryl, cough syrup, and Claritin D. Yes, the medicine cupboard ran empty on the worst possible day. 
3. The number of puke piles out in my garage that I'm too tired to clean up. 
12.The number of hours I want to nap for.
Happy Easter


Jessica said...

ahhh, what an eventful easter, sounds like you need a break. hopefully next year might pan out a little better for ya

Amber said...

dang, doesn't sound like the day went all that smoothly. next time just order out! haha. hope you are all feeling better.

Emili said...

That's funny. I'm betting living through it wasn't though, hope you're feeling better soon!

Connie said...

I had a great weekend! Sorry. What a crummy weekend for everyone to get sick. Hope everyone is feeling better.

Renee said...

(((Hugs))) Dang! I'm so sorry that your weekend was a bummer. I hope that everyone is feeling better now (or will be soon).