Monday, August 11, 2008

Swear Words...

From the time the boys were little, we've talked about "bad" words.  Now, obviously, some bad words are just bad.  We don't use swear words in our house, but we don't use certain other words either.  The boys have grown up thinking words like "stupid" and "shut-up" are bad words.  Now, obviously they aren't , I just didn't want them thinking it was okay to talk to each other that way. This was all well and good until they started school.   Out in the real world, people use those words.  So they'd come home and say, "our bus driver said a bad word!"  Or, "our teacher swears".  I realized I'd created a mess, so I had to back peddle a little and explain that they weren't BAD words, they were just bad words at our house.  This seemed to work for a while until I got caught saying something was stupid!  Then I retracted my retraction and said that they weren't BAD words, they were just words you can use when you have the ability to use them wisely.  So, anyway, as a result, my kids will very often ask if it's okay to say something. I have clearly confused them!    So, tonight Justin and Carter were watching the olympics together and beach volleyball was the event.  Carter turns to Justin and asks:  "Dad, is it okay to say those girls are hot?"  To which Justin replies, "probably not, Carter, you're just a baby".  OH, BROTHER........

1 comment:

Amber said...

HAHAHA that is sooo funny! Good thing you wrote this down so he can here this funny story when he's older. Brylee always tells me that I'm saying a bad word when I say "stupid" so dont worry I have a similar problem starting at my house:)