Monday, March 16, 2009

The mother load

Camdon's asthma/allergist is seriously the greatest doctor ever!  Not only is he an overall nice guy, he's everything a doctor should be.  He REALLY cares how Camdon is doing.  He's been treating his asthma since he was 2 1/2 so he knows him well.  He had his semi-annual check-up today and look at all the loot he gave us!  If you aren't familiar with Advair, then this won't seem like much to you.  But, these things are so dang expensive.  Let me put it this way:  you are looking at (without insurance) about $750 worth of medication on my counter.  Plus, the $50 off coupon for another one.  Even with our insurance, these things cost us about $80, so the coupon is a pretty big deal in and of itself.  
Anyway, it felt like Christmas!  Thanks Doctor Jeppson!  (he doesn't read this blog, I don't know why I just thanked him, but he's seriously awesome!)

1 comment:

Amber said...

i just love doctors like that! way to go and getting all the meds for cam. i can't believe how much we have to pay for medical in this country...