Wednesday, November 19, 2008

My list is growing

Welcome to Bloggerland, Aaron and Kerry!  These last six months have been so fun for me.  I can't believe I put off having a blog for so long.  It's the very best way to keep in touch with the people I love. 

Anyway,  I have been dying to see my new little niece, and I was looking forward to going to I.F. for Thanksgiving.  Well, it turns out that Aaron and Kerry are coming to Boise for Thanksgiving.  AAGGHH!  I have to wait until Christmas now!!! Or do I?  I emailed Aaron last night and told him to start a blog and he did.  Like right then.  He's more obedient than my little fellas. :)  

Anyway, a few of you out there might be interested in seeing his new little one and I told him I'd spread the word.  Dallon, I know he'll definitely want to get in touch with you.  I added him to my little list of blogging buddies.  I'm glad to see my list slowly growing.  You should see my sis-in-law Amber's list!  Holy cow!  I don't even know that many people, let alone people I want to stay in touch with.  So, thanks for joining.  Welcome and have fun!


Leslie said...

Cool! now he just needs to post something. What about Andrew?

Leslie said...

Oh! And a little sugestion for Aaron also, you should totally put some Chicago songs on your blog. Yeah, that would be awesome!

Amber said...

haha I have to admit it's a little embarrassing how big my list is. It has high school friends, work friends, hair school friends...etc. I think the whole town of Rexburg has a blog. But yours will keep growing!

Allen and Heather Luke said...

Hey! I am your cousin, Peggy's daughter. I thought it would be great for us cousins to keep in touch with blogs. You're family is really cute!