Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Jamon's Birthday Bronco Bed

I have perfected the art of procrastination.  I know it's not something to be proud of, but it's true.  I pay my bills the DAY  they're due, I request time off from work AS the manager is sitting down to write the schedule, and I birthday shop for my boys ON the day of they're birthday.  It's enough to make my husband want to leave me (hee hee..love ya honey), but today it really paid off for me in a big way!  

I was at Wal-Mart two hours before Jamon got home from school finishing his birthday shopping.  We decided to get him a new bed this year.  He's been sleeping on one of the bunk beds we bought when Camdon and Jamon were just two and four.  The mattress he's been using was suitable for a little toddler, but not for a growing nine year old boy.  Anyway, to go along with the bed, we got him a Boise State comforter set complete with sheets and a big body pillow.  I've had my eye on this set for a while and my mom even sent money to help over a week ago.  But, of course, I didn't go a week ago.  I went today.  I'm glad I did because all of it was on clearance!  Woo Hoo!  Normally I criticize the Big-Box stores for how early they try to commercialize Christmas.  But, today I was so happy they needed to make room for all the fake Christmas trees, because I got this whole set for half the price I would've gotten it last week.
I had it all set up when Jamon got home from school and then hid in his room to film his reaction.  As you'll see...he loves it! **  

The only bad part of the day was when a few neighbor boys showed up for the party.  UUHH..what party?  One kid even had a gift and I felt horrible because there was no party! Jamon mentioned to ONE neighbor kid a few weeks ago that we MIGHT go see a movie for his birthday.  That kid told another kid that we were watching movies at Jamon's for his birthday and that kid told two more kids.  I'm still trying to figure out how this happened!!!  Wouldn't a parent verify party plans?  I never had any conversation with any parent about a party...interesting.  Anyway, I felt bad for all these boys who thought they were getting to come to a party, so I threw them all in the van and we went and got ice cream form Arctic Circle.  There....we had a party.  :)

Anyway, Happy Birthday, Jamon.  Enjoy your new "big boy" bed!!

**  Okay, so I don't know how to add video yet.  I'm still learning.  


Whitney said...

Happy Birthday Jamon! I hope you got Ashlyn's message. We mailed a card today. Sorry we are late. I can't wait to see the bed. What a funny story with the neighbor boys.

Jessica said...

I love clearance!! It looks great...your kids rooms are always so cute and so them...I'm sure they love being in their rooms...maybe that's why they like bedtime =) Happy Birthday Jamon!